News Archive
Olympic Manor Holiday Lights walk
When: Wednesday, December 14, 6:30 PM
Activity for Scouts, Families and Friends: We’ll gather at Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church (2400 Northwest 85th St) at 6:15 then depart promptly at 6:30 to walk through Olympic Manor where we’ll have a hot-chocolate break before dispersing for the evening. What to Bring: Cub Scout uniform, an adult partner, weather-appropriate clothes and shoes. Adults please bring a flashlight or headlamp, and if you have a reflective vest, we’d use it!
Salmon Keeper's Festival at Carkeek Park
Nov 19, 2023 2pm
Join the pack for this activity to view the salmon, join in on activities and learn about the fish, their life cycle, habitat and how they are doing in a Seattle urban creek. Volunteer Salmon Stewards will be on hand. . Event Website Near Carkeek Lower Parking Lot. Map
Program and Training Conference 11/4 (For Adults)
October 26, 2023
Chief Seattle Council’s Program & Training Conference is an area-wide, training opportunity for adults (from unit leaders to parent helpers). The conference will feature position specific training for leaders and advisors, as well as fun and educational topics- summertime activities, incorporating STEM into scouting activities, backpacking for all budgets, camp cooking, teaching etc. 8:30-4pm at Kentridge High School, Kent, WA Costs: $35 for early bird registrations until October 29th including a provided lunch. Oct 30th registration increases to $45. Register here
Parents Meeting 10/17 at Bale Breaker
October 8, 2023Join us at our Parents Meeting at 6:00 pm on 10/17. By participating, you can find out about volunteer opportunities, contribute to planning and actively influence and shape the direction of our Pack. Your voice matters, and this meeting allows you to have a say in what we do as a Pack.
Bumper Boats and Bumper Cars
October 8, 2023We have a really fun outing planned for this month - an afternoon of Bumper Boats and Bumper Cars, miniature golf, video games, and more at Bullwinkles Family Fun Center in Tukwilla!. Details and signup are here.
Family Camp is coming up 9/30-10/1
September 25, 2023Camp with Pack 100 the night of Saturday 9/30 at Larrabee State Park. Our program includes dinner, a campfire program, and other activities. Check your email, or email for details.
Recruiting Event - Wednesday 9/20
September 14, 2023Join us for ice cream at our Recruitment Event on September 20th at 6 PM at Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church (2400 NW 85th St. Seattle). See the flyer below for more information.
Upcoming Pack events - details coming soon
August 9, 2023August 16 - another casual, relaxed get-together. Details to come soon!
September 20 - Our first Pack meeting - a Bobcat hike and Recruitment Event (bring a friend!).
September 30 - October 1 - Family Camp at Larrabee State Park.
More details will follow for each of these events.
Spring Awards Picnic - Saturday 6/17
May 31, 2023Save the date for our Spring Picnic and Awards Ceremony. More details soon!
Syttende Mai Parade - Details
May 15, 2023We'll be meeting at the corner of 62nd and 24th, near the 7-Eleven store at 5:30 PM. Each person needs a signed waiver; we'll have blank waivers available if anyone needs them. Wear your uniforms (or Class-B shirts) and we'll see everyone there!
Syttende Mai Parade - Calling all Scouts, Families and Alumni
May 6, 2023Pack 100 Cub Scouts, alumni, and their families are invited to join Pack 100 to walk in the 17th of May Parade. Each person (or their parent / guardian) will need to sign a Hold Harmless agreement. More details coming soon. Check your email and see for details.
Congratulations to our Arrow of Light Scouts!
May 6, 2023Congratulations to our 2023 Arrow of Light Scouts, who had their crossover ceremony last week. We wish all of them the best in Scouting and future endeavors.
March 24, 2023The location for the Pinewood Derby has changed - it's now at St. John Catholic School, 120 N. 79th St., at 10:30AM on Saturday March 25.
There are no changes to primary check-in, which is still between 5:00 and 7:00 PM tonight at Ballard First Lutheran.
Pinewood Derby 3/25 - UPDATED
March 20, 2023We're joining Packs 9 and 827 to hold a joint Pinewood Derby at 10AM 10:30 AM on Saturday March 25, at Ballard First Lutheran.
Primary check-in will be Friday March 24th between 5:00 and 7:00 PM at Ballard First Lutheran. Check your email for more details.
Friends of Scouting 2023
March 20, 2023There's still time to participate in our Friends of Scouting campaign. Friends of Scouting helps to fund the Chief Seattle Council, its camps, and helps to keep Scouting accessible to all. Please email with any questions, or use our donation page.
Pinewood Derby is coming up!
February 2, 2023Our annual Pinewood Derby on March 15. We are also holding a Pinewood Derby Build Night on February 15 between 5:30 and 6:30. Stay tuned for more information!
Cub Scout Resident Camp 7/27-7/30
February 2, 2023We're going to Cub Scout Resident Camp at Camp Edward July 27-30. Cub Scouts participate in activities such as archery, BB guns, nature hikes, crafts, swimming, and boating. Webelos earn activity pins, and Wolf and Bear Cubs can complete advancement requirements. Packs also compete in the exciting relay race Run for Chief Joe. The climbing wall is a big hit!
We've reserved space as a pack, so please register with the Pack before March 15. Check your email, or send email to for information.
January Pack Activity - 12/18
December 6, 2022Our Pack activity of January will be a service project and Pinewood Derby Kit pick-up. We'll be packaging pet food for clients of the Ballard Food Bank. Drop in at Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church between 5:30 and 6:30. Prospective families are also welcome to come participate and talk to us.
Holiday Lights Pack Activity - 12/14
December 6, 2022Join us for a evening walk and hot chocolate in the Olympic Manor. We'll be meeting at Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church at 5:45. Dress warmly and bring your adult partners. Email for details.
Salmon Run at Carkeek Park - 11/20
November 7, 2022Save the date for our 11/20 salmon watching activity at Carkeek Park. More details to come.
Veterans Day Hike at Discovery Park - 11/13
November 7, 2022Join us for our Veterans Day Hike at Discovery Park. This adventure will consist of a 1.5 mile loop hike at Discovery Park, with stops at significant sites from historic Ft. Lawton, including the Guard House, Post Exchange, and Cemetery.
This is a long hike for younger Cub Scouts - Lion and Tiger families should consider meeting the Pack at the Ft. Lawton Cemetery around 2:45 for a shorter outing. See your email for details.
October Pack Adventure - 10/16 3PM
October 11, 2022Our next Pack Adventure will be a fire truck visit. Thanks to Amy G. for coordinating.
Meet at Our Redeemer's on Sunday, October 16 at 3:00PM. Scouts, Families, Friends and Prospective Scouts are welcome to join.
Volunteers Needed!
October 11, 2022Pack 100 is parent-led - we depend on parents so we can do fun Cub Scout Adventures and Activities! We need Pack adults to volunteer to host/coordinate our next two Pack meetings (Veterans Day hike at Discovery Park, and December meeting), and we also have open volunteer positions. See the 10/10 Pack email for more details.
Committee Meeting 10/6 8PM
October 4, 2022All interested parents and leaders are encouraged to join our next committee meeting via Zoom, on 10/6 at 8PM. Email for a meeting invite.
CANCELED - Meeting tonight
September 21, 2022Our September Pack Adventure tonight is canceled due to poor air quality.
We'll see you at our next activity.
September Pack Adventure - 6:30 9/21
August 16, 2022Our September Pack Adventure will be a Pack Hike and Bobcat skills adventure!
We'll be gathering at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church to hike to stations around the block where Scouts will help our Cub Scouts practice the Cub Scout skills for the Bobcat rank and Lion's Honor adventure.
Parent Meeting 9/11
August 11, 2022We're having a parent meeting / happy hour social on Sunday, September 11 between 4pm and 6pm at Pono Ranch. New and prospective Scout parents are welcome, and families can join for dinner after the adult meeting. RSVP here.
August Picnic 8/17 - Meet Pack 100
August 11, 2022Our next Pack social gathering will be on August 17, from 5-7pm at Salmon Bay Park. Bring your own picnic and feel free to drop-in, and drop-out.
The entire family is welcome, as are all prospective Scouts and their families.
Please RSVP to let us know if you'll be joining us.
Come meet Pack 100 on 7/21
July 14, 2022Interested in joining Cub Scouts?
Come meet Pack 100 at Discovery Park on Thursday, July 21 from 5:00-7:00. Bring your own picnic and feel free to drop-in, and drop-out. We'll be meeting near the Ft. Lawton Chapel in Discovery Park. See our Summer Picnic entry below for details.
RSVP not required, but appreciated (
Summer Picnic - 7/21
May 31, 2022This summer, we're having monthly social gatherings and bring-your-own picnics at parks.
Picnic with the Pack on the evening of July 21, from 5:00 to 7:00 - feel free to drop-in, and drop-out - we won't have a formal program. We'll be meeting near the Ft. Lawton Chapel in Discovery Park.
Please bring a picnic blanket, picnic for your family, and any friends you'd like to invite. All Pack families, friends and prospective Scouts and their families are welcome!
Spring Awards Picnic - Details
May 31, 2022The Pack 100 End of Year Picnic will be held at Discovery Park next Saturday, 6/4, at 4:00 PM. Bring your own picnic. All pack families are welcome - we're looking forward to seeing you! You should have received an email, let us know if you haven't.
Spring Awards Picnic - 6/4
May 27, 2022Save the date for our Spring Picnic and Awards Ceremony on Saturday June 4th at 4pm at Discovery Park (this is not a potluck, just a bring-your-own-picnic). More details soon!
Syttende Mai Parade - Calling all Scouts and Alumni
May 12, 2022Pack 100 has been confirmed to participate in the 17th of May Parade, and we're inviting all former members to participate with us. We are planning to meet at the corner of 24th and 62nd at 5:10pm on May 17th. You will need to bring your signed Hold Harmless agreement. Email and see for details.
Congratulations to our new graduates!
May 12, 2022Congratulations to our new graduating class of Arrow of Light Scouts who had their crossover ceremony last week. We wish all of them the best in Scouting and future endeavors.
Scout Night at the Mariners
April 17, 2022Scout Night at the Mariners is on April 23. It's an evening game, and Scouts get $15 view level seats - you can see here for more details. Purchase tickets using this link to be seated near other Pack 100 members!
Syttende Mai Parade
April 17, 2022We'll be participating in the 17th of May Parade - see for details, and keep an eye out for more information from the Pack via email!
Announcements - Baseball, Parade and Camp
April 17, 2022Pack 100 will be at the 4th session for Cub Scout Resident Camp, which is July 28-31. Details about Resident Camp are available here.
We'll be sending more information about resident camp too, but for now, know that it's a super fun Cub Scout camping experience with lots of hands-on arts, crafts, scouting skills, and great fun. There's a chance to do things like swim in a lake, shoot a bow and arrow, and climb the climbing tower. The Pack Committee would like to encourage all Pack 100 families to attend Resident Camp - please email when you sign up!
Pinewood Derby 4/2 - In-person or virtual
March 27, 2022The Pinewood Derby is coming up on Saturday, April 2. Scouts may participate either in-person or remotely. For Scouts participating remotely, cars can be dropped off on Friday 4/1 or Saturday 4/2. We are planning to stream the event via Zoom.
Whether your Cub Scout’s racer is a sleek and polished car with a custom paint job and aerodynamic shape, or it’s more of a “flying brick” design with stickers and marker decorations, we hope that you’re having fun with the project and are excited for the event this year, too. If you need any help, please email and we will get you connected with the right people or tools.
Check your email for more details.
Volunteers needed!
March 7, 2022We need volunteers for the following positions and events:
End of Year Awards Picnic Coordinator
Syttende Mai Parade Coordinator
BALOO training - we need a Pack representative to be trained.
Email if you would like to voluneer or would like more information.
Pinewood Derby
March 5, 2022The 2022 Pinewood Derby is scheduled for Saturday, April 2. Den leaders should be distributing pinewood derby kits. More details coming soon!
Friends of Scouting Campaign
January 24, 2022The 2021-2022 Pack 100 Friends of Scouting campaign has started!
More information regarding the Friends of Scouting campaign is available at the Pack 100 Friends of Scouting page.
Please feel free to email with any questions.
Successful Car Wash Ticket Sales Wrap-Up
December 14, 2021Good job, Pack 100, for selling Brown Bear Car Wash Tickets this year! We sold 300 tickets and fundraised $2550 for the Pack. These monies will help fund the Pack’s recharter fees, activities such as the Pinewood Derby, and the purchasing of badges and belt loops.
Fundraiser car wash ticket sales - Two more days!
November 28, 2021Car wash ticket sales are wrapping up and we need your final orders by November 30.
Email with your final orders.
Veterans Day Flag Placement - Nov. 7 and Nov. 13
October 27, 2021Pack 100 has volunteered to help place flags (and pick them up) at Fort Lawton, in Discovery Park in honor of Veterans Day. We could use all the help we can get! Meet at the parking lot across the street at 10:45 on November 7. We will also be picking them up on Nov. 13 (time TBD). Please email your den leader so we know how many to expect (on both Sunday and the following Saturday).
Fundraiser car wash ticket sales beginning
October 8, 2021Car wash ticket sales are starting, and will be running through Thanksgiving.
All Pack 100 families should have received an email about car wash ticket sales. Email if you have any questions.
Pack 100 - starting our program year!
September 2021Our program year is beginning. Read our Committee Chair's letter.
Join Pack 100!
September 2021We're recruiting K-5 boys, girls and their families!
All are welcome to join our activities to meet us. See our Join page or email